● Exhibit a steam or vintage engine – whether it’s a car, motorbike, tractor, commercial or military vehicle, a traction or stationary engine
● Rent a trade stand to sell or market your wares
● Offer entertainment or a demonstration
● Advertise or sponsor the Vintage Rally programme
● Work as a volunteer at the Rally
An event such as this could not happen without the drive, commitment and effort of a valuable team of volunteers. Helping with the Vintage Rally is a great opportunity to get outdoors and meet like-minded people.
Can you spare a few hours? If you’d like to get involved, then drop us a line.
Email: info@vintagerally.co.uk
Send your details using our contact form below.
Advertising & Sponsorship
There are no admission charges to the public to the Vintage Rally and hence why the advertising/sponsorship in the programme and the programme sales are a valuable source of income.
If you would like to advertise your business or services, feel free to contact the event organisers by ringing 0777 5686857 or emailing: info@vintagerally.co.uk
Renting a Stall & providing Entertainment etc
Any local groups, organisations or businesses that wish to get involved – whether it’s to hold a stall or trade stand, provide an activity or entertainment, contact the organisers before the end of April. Email: entries@vintagerally.co.uk
If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of staging the Vintage Rally, we’d be pleased to hear from you. It could be a one off donation or a regular amount. Email: info@vintagerally.co.uk